Joystick Magazine 1995 July & August
cd No4 joystick No62.iso
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Assembly Source File
612 lines
Page 58,132
Title WINDOW.ASM Window Routines
; Name: WINDOW.ASM Window Routines
; Group: Emulator
; Revision: 1.00
; Date: January 30, 1988
; Author: Randy W. Spurlock
; Module Functional Description:
; This module contains all the code for the window routines
; used by the Apple emulator.
; Changes:
; -------- -------- -------------------------------------------------------
; 1/30/88 1.00 Original
; Public Declarations
Public Scroll_Up ; Scroll window up routine
Public Scroll_Down ; Scroll window down routine
Public Clear_Window ; Clear window routine
Public Save_Window ; Save window routine
Public Restore_Window ; Restore window routine
; External Declarations
Extrn Cursor_Off:Near ; Turn cursor off routine (VIDEO)
Extrn Cursor_On:Near ; Turn cursor on routine (VIDEO)
Extrn Blink_Off:Near ; Turn blink off routine (VIDEO)
Extrn Blink_On:Near ; Turn blink on routine (VIDEO)
Extrn CGA_Restore:Near ; CGA restore screen routine (CGA)
Extrn EGA_Restore:Near ; EGA restore screen routine (EGA)
Extrn Current_Fore:Word ; Current foreground color value (TTY)
Extrn Current_Back:Word ; Current background color value (TTY)
Extrn System_Flag:Byte ; Apple emulator system flag byte(DATA)
Extrn Video_Flag:Byte ; Video system flag byte (DATA)
; LOCAL Equates
BACK_SHIFT Equ 04h ; Background attribute shift value
MAX_ROW Equ 19h ; Maximum row number value (25)
MAX_COLUMN Equ 28h ; Maximum column number value (40)
PARA_ROUND Equ 0Fh ; Bytes to paragraphs rounding value
PARA_SHIFT Equ 04h ; Bytes to paragraphs shift value
VIDEO_MEMORY Equ 0B800h ; Start of video memory segment
; Define any include files needed
Include Macros.inc ; Include the macro definitions
Include Equates.inc ; Include the equate definitions
.286c ; Include 80286 instructions
; Define the emulator code segment
Emulate Segment Word Public 'EMULATE' ; Emulator code segment
Assume cs:Emulate, ds:Nothing, es:Nothing
Subttl Scroll_Up Scroll Window Up Routine
Page +
; Scroll_Up(Window, Count)
; Save the required registers
; If window coordinates are valid
; Setup access to video memory
; Calculate source and destination rows values
; Compute the actual window size
; Compute and save the column count
; Calculate source and destination addresses
; Compute address increment value
; Save the address increment value
; If scroll count greater than window size
; Limit scroll to entire window
; Endif
; Save the scroll count value
; Compute the number of rows to move
; While more rows to move
; Setup the column count value
; While more columns to move
; Move the next column
; Decrement the column count
; EndWhile
; Update the screen addresses
; Decrement the row count
; EndWhile
; Restore the scroll count value
; Setup the clear character (Space)
; While more rows to clear
; Setup the column count value
; While more columns to clear
; Store the clear character (Space)
; Decrement the column count
; EndWhile
; Update the screen address
; Decrement the row count
; EndWhile
; Endif
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AX - Upper left window row coordinate
; BX - Upper left window column coordinate
; CX - Lower right window row coordinate
; DX - Lower right window column coordinate
; BP - Scroll count (Lines)
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Scroll_Up Proc Near ; Scroll window up procedure
Save ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di,bp,ds,es
cmp ax,cx ; Check the row coordinate values
ja Up_Exit ; Jump if row coordinates are invalid
cmp bx,dx ; Check column coordinate values
ja Up_Exit ; Jump if column coordinates are invalid
cmp ax,MAX_ROW ; Check upper left row value
jnc Up_Exit ; Jump if invalid row value
cmp bx,MAX_COLUMN ; Check upper left column value
jnc Up_Exit ; Jump if invalid column value
cmp cx,MAX_ROW ; Check lower right row value
jnc Up_Exit ; Jump if invalid row value
cmp dx,MAX_COLUMN ; Check lower right column value
jnc Up_Exit ; Jump if invalid column value
mov si,VIDEO_MEMORY ; Setup access
mov ds,si ; to video
mov es,si ; memory
mov si,ax ; Compute the source
add si,bp ; row number
mov di,ax ; Get the destination row number
sub cx,ax ; Compute the actual
inc cx ; window size (Rows)
sub dx,bx ; Compute and save
inc dx ; the column count
shl si,4 ; Compute
mov ax,si ; source
shl ax,2 ; row times
add si,ax ; eighty
shl di,4 ; Compute
mov ax,di ; destination
shl ax,2 ; times
add di,ax ; eighty
shl bx,1 ; Compute column offset value
add si,bx ; Compute the actual source address
add di,bx ; Compute actual destination address
mov bx,MAX_COLUMN ; Compute and save
sub bx,dx ; increment value
cmp cx,bp ; Check the scroll count value
ja Up_Move ; Jump if partial window scroll
mov bp,cx ; Limit scroll to entire window
Save bp ; Save the scroll count value
sub cx,bp ; Compute and save
mov bp,cx ; the move count
jz Up_Clear ; Jump if entire window scroll
mov cx,dx ; Setup the column count value
rep movsw ; Move an entire row
add si,bx ; Update the
add di,bx ; screen addresses
dec bp ; Decrement the row count value
jnz Move_Up_Loop ; Loop till all rows are moved
Restore bp ; Restore the row count value
mov al,SPACE ; Setup to write a space character
mov ah,Byte Ptr cs:[Current_Back]
shl ah,BACK_SHIFT ; Shift background into position
or ah,Byte Ptr cs:[Current_Fore]
mov cx,dx ; Setup the column count value
rep stosw ; Clear an entire row
add di,bx ; Update the screen address
dec bp ; Decrement the row count value
jnz Clear_Up_Loop ; Loop till all rows are cleared
Restore ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di,bp,ds,es
ret ; Return to the caller
Scroll_Up Endp ; End of the Scroll_Up procedure
Subttl Scroll_Down Scroll Window Down Routine
Page +
; Scroll_Down(Window, Count)
; Save the required registers
; If window coordinates are valid
; Setup access to video memory
; Calculate source and destination rows values
; Compute the actual window size
; Compute and save the column count
; Calculate source and destination addresses
; Compute address decrement value
; Save the address decrement value
; If scroll count greater than window size
; Limit scroll to entire window
; Endif
; Save the scroll count value
; Compute the number of rows to move
; While more rows to move
; Setup the column count value
; While more columns to move
; Move the next column
; Decrement the column count
; EndWhile
; Update the screen addresses
; Decrement the row count
; EndWhile
; Restore the scroll count value
; Setup the clear character (Space)
; While more rows to clear
; Setup the column count value
; While more columns to clear
; Store the clear character (Space)
; Decrement the column count
; EndWhile
; Update the screen address
; Decrement the row count
; EndWhile
; Endif
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AX - Upper left window row coordinate
; BX - Upper left window column coordinate
; CX - Lower right window row coordinate
; DX - Lower right window column coordinate
; BP - Scroll count (Lines)
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Scroll_Down Proc Near ; Scroll window down procedure
Save ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di,bp,ds,es
cmp ax,cx ; Check the row coordinate values
ja Down_Exit ; Jump if row coordinates are invalid
cmp bx,dx ; Check column coordinate values
ja Down_Exit ; Jump if column coordinates are invalid
cmp ax,MAX_ROW ; Check upper left row value
jnc Down_Exit ; Jump if invalid row value
cmp bx,MAX_COLUMN ; Check upper left column value
jnc Down_Exit ; Jump if invalid column value
cmp cx,MAX_ROW ; Check lower right row value
jnc Down_Exit ; Jump if invalid row value
cmp dx,MAX_COLUMN ; Check lower right column value
jnc Down_Exit ; Jump if invalid column value
mov si,VIDEO_MEMORY ; Setup access
mov ds,si ; to video
mov es,si ; memory
mov si,cx ; Compute the source
sub si,bp ; row number
mov di,cx ; Get the destination row number
sub cx,ax ; Compute the actual
inc cx ; window size (Rows)
sub dx,bx ; Compute and save
inc dx ; the column count
shl si,4 ; Compute
mov ax,si ; source
shl ax,2 ; row times
add si,ax ; eighty
shl di,4 ; Compute
mov ax,di ; destination
shl ax,2 ; times
add di,ax ; eighty
shl bx,1 ; Compute column offset value
add si,bx ; Compute the actual source address
add di,bx ; Compute actual destination address
mov bx,MAX_COLUMN ; Compute and
add bx,dx ; save decrement
shl bx,1 ; value
cmp cx,bp ; Check the scroll count value
ja Down_Move ; Jump if partial window scroll
mov bp,cx ; Limit scroll to entire window
Save bp ; Save the scroll count value
sub cx,bp ; Compute and save
mov bp,cx ; the move count
jz Down_Clear ; Jump if entire window scroll
mov cx,dx ; Setup the column count value
rep movsw ; Move an entire row
sub si,bx ; Update the
sub di,bx ; screen addresses
dec bp ; Decrement the row count value
jnz Move_Down_Loop ; Loop till all rows are moved
Restore bp ; Restore the row count value
mov al,SPACE ; Setup to write a space character
mov ah,Byte Ptr cs:[Current_Back]
shl ah,BACK_SHIFT ; Shift background into position
or ah,Byte Ptr cs:[Current_Fore]
mov cx,dx ; Setup the column count value
rep stosw ; Clear an entire row
sub di,bx ; Update the screen address
dec bp ; Decrement the row count value
jnz Clear_Down_Loop ; Loop till all rows are cleared
Restore ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di,bp,ds,es
ret ; Return to the caller
Scroll_Down Endp ; End of the Scroll_Down procedure
Subttl Clear_Window Clear Window Routine
Page +
; Clear_Window(Window)
; Save the required registers
; If window coordinates are valid
; Calculate starting address
; Compute and save the row count
; Compute address increment value
; Compute and save the column count
; Save the address increment value
; Setup the clear character (Space)
; While more rows to clear
; Setup the column count value
; While more columns to clear
; Store the clear character (Space)
; Decrement the column count
; EndWhile
; Update the screen address
; Decrement the row count
; EndWhile
; Endif
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AX - Upper left window row coordinate
; BX - Upper left window column coordinate
; CX - Lower right window row coordinate
; DX - Lower right window column coordinate
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Clear_Window Proc Near ; Clear window procedure
Save ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di,es ; Save the required registers
cmp ax,cx ; Check the row coordinate values
ja Clear_Exit ; Jump if row coordinates are invalid
cmp bx,dx ; Check column coordinate values
ja Clear_exit ; Jump if column coordinates are invalid
cmp ax,MAX_ROW ; Check upper left row value
jnc Clear_Exit ; Jump if invalid row value
cmp bx,MAX_COLUMN ; Check upper left column value
jnc Clear_Exit ; Jump if invalid column value
cmp cx,MAX_ROW ; Check lower right row value
jnc Clear_Exit ; Jump if invalid row value
cmp dx,MAX_COLUMN ; Check lower right column value
jnc Clear_Exit ; Jump if invalid column value
mov di,ax ; Compute
shl di,2 ; row number
add di,ax ; times five (*80)
add di,VIDEO_MEMORY ; Compute actual video memory segment
mov es,di ; Setup to access video memory
mov di,bx ; Compute the actual
shl di,1 ; memory address
mov si,cx ; Compute and
sub si,ax ; save the
inc si ; row count
mov ax,MAX_COLUMN - 1 ; Compute
sub ax,dx ; address
add ax,bx ; increment
shl ax,1 ; value
sub dx,bx ; Compute and save
inc dx ; the column count
mov bx,ax ; Save the address increment value
mov al,SPACE ; Setup to write a space character
mov ah,Byte Ptr cs:[Current_Back]
shl ah,BACK_SHIFT ; Shift background into position
or ah,Byte Ptr cs:[Current_Fore]
mov cx,dx ; Setup the column count value
rep stosw ; Clear an entire row
add di,bx ; Update the screen address
dec si ; Decrement the row count value
jnz Clear_Loop ; Loop till all rows are cleared
Restore ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di,es ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Clear_Window Endp ; End of the Clear_Window procedure
Subttl Save_Window Save Window Routine
Page +
; Save_Window(Window)
; Save the required registers
; If window coordinates are valid
; Calculate amount of storage required
; If enough memory is available
; Save the window coordinates
; Calculate starting address
; Compute and save the row count
; Compute address increment value
; Compute and save the column count
; Save the address increment value
; While more rows to save
; Setup the column count value
; While more columns to save
; Save the next column
; Decrement the column count
; EndWhile
; Update the screen address
; Decrement the row count
; EndWhile
; Setup the window handle value
; Endif
; Endif
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AX - Upper left window row coordinate
; BX - Upper left window column coordinate
; CX - Lower right window row coordinate
; DX - Lower right window column coordinate
; Registers on Exit:
; BP - Window save handle (If no errors)
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Save_Window Proc Near ; Save window procedure
Save ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di,ds,es ; Save the required registers
cmp ax,cx ; Check the row coordinate values
ja Save_Exit ; Jump if row coordinates are invalid
cmp bx,dx ; Check column coordinate values
ja Save_exit ; Jump if column coordinates are invalid
cmp ax,MAX_ROW ; Check upper left row value
jnc Save_Exit ; Jump if invalid row value
cmp bx,MAX_COLUMN ; Check upper left column value
jnc Save_Exit ; Jump if invalid column value
cmp cx,MAX_ROW ; Check lower right row value
jnc Save_Exit ; Jump if invalid row value
cmp dx,MAX_COLUMN ; Check lower right column value
jnc Save_Exit ; Jump if invalid column value
Save ax,bx,cx,dx ; Save the window coordinates
sub cx,ax ; Compute the
inc cx ; number of rows
sub dx,bx ; Compute the
inc dx ; number of columns
mov ax,cx ; Compute amount
mul dx ; of storage
shl ax,1 ; required
mov bx,ax ; Compute the
add bx,PARA_ROUND + 8 ; number of
shr bx,PARA_SHIFT ; paragraphs
mov ah,ALLOCATE_MEMORY ; Get allocate memory function code
int DOS ; Try to allocate the memory
mov es,ax ; Save the returned memory address
Restore ax,bx,cx,dx ; Restore the window coordinates
jc Save_Exit ; Jump if unable to allocate memory
xor di,di ; Setup to access the memory area
stosw ; Save the
xchg ax,bx ; upper left
stosw ; coordinate
xchg ax,cx ; Save the
stosw ; lower
xchg ax,dx ; right
stosw ; coordinate
xchg ax,bx ; Restore the
xchg cx,dx ; window
xchg bx,dx ; coordinates
mov si,ax ; Compute
shl si,2 ; row number
add si,ax ; times five (*80)
add si,VIDEO_MEMORY ; Compute actual video memory segment
mov ds,si ; Setup to access video memory
mov si,bx ; Compute the actual
shl si,1 ; memory address
mov bp,cx ; Compute and
sub bp,ax ; save the
inc bp ; row count
mov ax,MAX_COLUMN - 1 ; Compute
sub ax,dx ; address
add ax,bx ; increment
shl ax,1 ; value
sub dx,bx ; Compute and save
inc dx ; the column count
mov bx,ax ; Save the address increment value
mov cx,dx ; Setup the column count value
rep movsw ; Save an entire row
add si,bx ; Update the screen address
dec bp ; Decrement the row count value
jnz Save_Loop ; Loop till all rows are saved
mov bp,es ; Get the window handle value
Restore ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di,ds,es ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Save_Window Endp ; End of the Save_Window procedure
Subttl Restore_Window Restore Window Routine
Page +
; Restore_Window(Handle)
; Save the required registers
; Setup access to the window data
; Get the window coordinates
; Calculate starting address
; Compute and save the row count
; Compute address increment value
; Compute and save the column count
; Save the address increment value
; While more rows to restore
; Setup the column count value
; While more columns to restore
; Restore the next column
; Decrement the column count
; EndWhile
; Update the screen address
; Decrement the row count
; EndWhile
; Free the allocated memory
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; BP - Window handle to restore
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Restore_Window Proc Near ; Restore window procedure
Save ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di,bp,ds,es
mov ds,bp ; Setup access to
xor si,si ; the window data
lodsw ; Restore
mov dx,ax ; upper left
lodsw ; window
mov bx,ax ; coordinate
lodsw ; Restore
mov cx,ax ; lower right
lodsw ; window
xchg ax,dx ; coordinate
mov di,ax ; Compute
shl di,2 ; row number
add di,ax ; times five (*80)
add di,VIDEO_MEMORY ; Compute actual video memory segment
mov es,di ; Setup to access video memory
mov di,bx ; Compute the actual
shl di,1 ; memory address
mov bp,cx ; Compute and
sub bp,ax ; save the
inc bp ; row count
mov ax,MAX_COLUMN - 1 ; Compute
sub ax,dx ; address
add ax,bx ; increment
shl ax,1 ; value
sub dx,bx ; Compute and save
inc dx ; the column count
mov bx,ax ; Save the address increment value
mov cx,dx ; Setup the column count value
rep movsw ; Restore an entire row
add di,bx ; Update the screen address
dec bp ; Decrement the row count value
jnz Restore_Loop ; Loop till all rows are restored
mov ax,ds ; Setup to free
mov es,ax ; the allocated memory
mov ah,FREE_MEMORY ; Get free memory function code
int DOS ; Try to free the allocated memory
Restore ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di,bp,ds,es
ret ; Return to the caller
Restore_Window Endp ; End of the Restore_Window procedure
; Define the end of the Emulator Code Segment
Emulate Ends
End ; End of the Window module